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Jessica Davies PhD Postdoctoral Fellow

Jess received her BSc in Biological Sciences from the University of Warwick in 2011 (Top student awards 2009, 2010, 2011), and subsequently obtained her PhD from the University of Cambridge in 2015. Her doctoral studies investigated genome wide association study risk variants in multiple sclerosis, focusing on the genetic and immunological mechanisms behind a small subset of variants at the THEMIS/PTPRK locus. Aware of the prevalence of next generation sequencing (NGS) in research, she decided to gain hands-on experience in NGS at the CRUK Cambridge Institute Genomics Core Facility prior to commencing a postdoctoral position. She joined the Fugger lab at the start of 2016 as a postdoctoral researcher to continue investigating the functional mechanisms behind multiple sclerosis risk variants.

Education and Training


Bsc: 2008-2011, Biological Sciences, University of Warwick, UK


PhD: 2011-2015, Clinical Neurosciences, “Functional Immunogenomics of Multiple Sclerosis”. Revd Prof Alasdair Coles and Prof Stephen Sawcer. Emmanuel College, University of Cambridge, UK.


Research assistant: 2015, CRUK Cambridge Institute Genomics Core Facility.


Postdoc: 2016-present, Nuffield Department of Clinical Neurosciences, Weatherall Institute of Molecular Medicine, University of Oxford, UK.




Staples, E., Morillo-Gutierrez, B., Davies, J., Petersheim, D., Massaad, M., Slatter, M., Dimou, D., Doffinger, R., Hackett, S., Kumararatne, D., Hadfield, J., Eldridge, M. D., Geha, R. S., Abinun, M., Thaventhiran, J. E. D. (2017) Disseminated Mycobacterium malmoense and Salmonella Infections Associated with a Novel Variant in NFKBIA. J Clin Immunol. 37, 415-418.


Davies, J. L., Thompson, S., Kaur-Sandhu, H., Sawcer, S., Coles, A., Ban, M., and Jones, J. (2016) Increased THEMIS first exon usage in CD4+ T-cells is associated with a genotype that is protective against multiple sclerosis. PLoS One.


Davies, J. L., Denyer, T. and Hadfield, J. (2016) Bioanalyzer chips can be used interchangeably for many analyses of DNA or RNA. Biotechniques. 60, 197-199


Jones, J. L., Thompson, S. A. J., Loh, P., Davies, J. L., Tuohy, O. C., Curry, A. J., Azzopardi, L., Hill-Cawthorne, G., Fahey, M. T., Compston, A., and Coles, A. J. (2013) Human autoimmunity after lymphocyte depletion is caused by homeostatic T-cell proliferation. PNAS. 110, 20200-20205

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